install instructions [only needs to be done on 1 Billings Pro computer]

  1. save the template's .zip to your Desktop
  2. go to the Desktop and double click the .zip to expand it
  3. log into your Daylite database and choose Billings Pro>Preferences>Templates
  4. click the pulldown and choose: Select Template from Disk
  5. in the new window that opens, navigate to your Desktop and double click the template you expanded from step 2
  6. once you see the template in the Templates list, you can delete it and it's .zip file from your Desktop
  7. once all computers running Billings Pro have synced, they should all pick it up

usage instructions

  1. click Send Invoice as usual
  2. in the Send Invoice window, scroll along the top and click on your Invoice template
  3. proceed as usual